Bulk carrier grab has provided big advantages especially to dry cargo companies in the favor of its userfriendlyness, maintenance, spare part, evacuation speed and simple build. Can be used for carry and lifting of every type of cast load, also is the most efficient and mone saving grab type.
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Bulk Carrier Grabs
Bulkcarriergrabs is an equipment that speeds up and facilitates cargo handling on ships.
This grab is used to move materials loaded onto ...
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Bulk Carrier Grabs
Bulkcarriergrabs are frequently used, especially for the transport of dry cargoes such as coal, grain, ore.
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Bulk Carrier Grabs
Can be used for carry and lifting of every type of cast load, also is the most efficient and mone saving grab type. With its two side ...
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Bulk Carrier Grabs
Bulk carrier grab is used for all types of load evacuation.
Easily grasp the load to carry and successfully perform the pouring process....
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The parts that are needed to be carried can easily be evacuated from a place to another. Is pro...
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Bulk Carrier Grabs
Carries bulk cargo. It is a user-friendly bucket. It has strong bearing capacity.Thanks to the jaw edge opened to the sides, the bulk loa...
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